Chronicles of A Down Low Brotha

Caught Between Two Worlds

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Dawning of a New Era

Welcome to my world…..the Chronicles of a Down Low Brother. Yeah I know you’re probably wondering why I chose to live this lifestyle. Truth is at times I feel like this lifestyle chose me. Being constantly caught between the covert and clandestine world of what we know as the down low and the morally upright life of a respectable law-abiding married contributor to society. It is torrid affair between an underground reality of burning desire and fictitious yet noble performance. Caught between two worlds, yes that’s what I am, and now I’m at the place of trying to discover when where and how this charade will end, or will it ever?

My life has taken quite an interesting series of twists and turns that I would have never imagined would have taken place in my life, but hey what can you expect? A good pastor friend of mine, used to always love to say, “Baby, what’s done in darkness will eventually come to the light.” I guess God has a funny way of shining his flashlight into my private chamber. Should I be angry or relieved that my secret is not so secret? How many times do we think the closest and most guarded secrets are really secrets, or are we the only ones that think it’s a secret and everyone around us is obliging us?

I am Caesar, taken from the legendary leader of the Roman Empire, whose life was one of turmoil. Just as I am in turmoil, yet I know that I can conquer. This blog is my outlet, it is my way of expressing my feelings of this journey that life has relentlessly strapped me into, and I’m wondering when will I reached my destination. I endeavor to pour my secrets, my joys, my pains, lessons that I’ve learned experiences and hopefully the eventual release of the real me. This is my journey to self-discovery, self-definition, and self-affirmation.

It's official...its the dawning of a new era, a new time in my life, a new time of self-expression in it's most purest and most honest form.

These are my chronicles, my history….read at your own risk.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere brother. And thank you for checking out my blog. I hope you enjoy your journey...and I assure you, if you pour your heart onto these pages, it WILL be a reflective journey for you. Remember change yourself, you must see yourself...YOU create the mirror. Email me some time.


  2. Wow, I thought I was the lone DL blogger out there smile. Glad to see there is another one plus "Trapped with Her...Driven to Him" (

    Thanks for being a fan of my page. My only advice: Be truthful and honest with everything you write and never be afraid.

    Take care and good luck!

  3. Great start!! I can definitely say that blogging has been refreshing for me. While it doesn't lighten your situation, it certainly helps that you have an outlet. Willing to assist you in any way I can.

  4. Just discovered your blog.. starting here to catch up with you story. I must say we are in the same boat, yet i have not even admitted it in my own blog.
